Holistic Health

A path to healing

Holistic Health uses a natural medicine approach to healing and well-being. It combines various traditional and alternative medicine modalities to make healing faster and more effective. It is also educational to prevent the re-occurrence of symptoms. It is a person-centred process; during the Holistic Health Consultations and Therapy sessions, the practitioner works with the client rather than “on the client” to achieve desired heath outcomes.

What conditions and symptoms can be treated using Holistic Medicine?

Mental health issues have at least two things in common: negative mental chatter and body tension. Addressing both at the same time using the combination of talking therapy, hypnotherapy and bodywork would greatly reduce the time of recovery. On top of that, adding carefully selected supplements to support adrenal function, homeopathic remedies to increase vitality or Batch Flower remedies to support change would enhance the recuperation further. Biofeedback is also beneficial as it teaches how to calm the mind and mental resilience. Every person will be different, and the combination of selected treatments will also vary. 

When it comes to physical health, it is really important to understand what the root cause of the symptoms is. The common contributors to physical health are tension which restricts blood flow (blood carries nutrients and oxygen), immune system or nervous system issues, toxicity and stress. Depending on the assessment, the combination of following approaches will be considered: talking therapies, bodywork, detoxification, supplements, homeopathic remedies, biofeedback and exercise. The treatment for bad back will be very different from Parkinson’s. 

Integrative Therapy
Integrative therapy

Illnesses do not come upon us out of the blue. They are developed from small daily sins against Nature. When enough sins have accumulated, illnesses will suddenly appear. – Hippocrates –

What happens during the Holistic Health Consultation?

During the Integrative Holistic Health Consultation we will try to answer the following questions:

  1. Why is your body not healing?
  2. What can we do to nudge it back to healing?
  3. What therapies, techniques and modalities would be the most useful?
  4. Start the healing process using the combination of approaches listed below.

Holistic Health approaches:

Understanding the issue from a holistic perspective

Treatment approaches - Body

Talking approaches

Body-mind approach

Homoeopathy, herbs, minerals and detox approach

In person or online

Integrative therapy can be received in person, online or both; it all depends on the combination of treatments selected. The bodywork, of course, can only be received in person. If you are not living in my areas, I have extensive network of bodywork therapists that would be able to do the body treatment who would also co-ordinate your progress with me. So, you will be receiving a full holistic treatment. 

The costs

Integrative Therapy (combined sessions) or stand alone therapy sessions prices are listed below. If are not sure which approach to take, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Stand Alone Therapy sessions

If you are unwell but cannot afford the prices listed, please let me know. I have a couple reduced price and case study places. 

If you have any questions please drop me a line at info@rutagabalis.co.uk.

FAQ: Integrative Natural Medicine

You may have noticed that some people heal faster than others, and some people with the same genetic predisposition become ill, and others do not. It depends on your body’s resources: energy and nutrients/minerals for the cells to repair themselves.

It also depends on how good the circulation system is. In the case of poor circulation, nutrients and oxygen are not delivered efficiently enough for effective cell repair. Furthermore, waste removal from the cells is also impaired, leading to cell degeneration and death.

 Yes, it can. Remember, your body’s priority is to survive; therefore, your body’s priority is to heal. If you can provide the resources and improve circulation, your body will heal itself.

We get the energy from nutritious food, breathing and movement. We can also tap into the universal energy pool, via the particular type of meditation as well as generate extra energy by thought alone (not many of us know how to do that). So, if you are leading a stressful life, don’t move and have an inadequate diet, at some point your body’s energy recourses will be depleted and the symptoms (fatigue, pain, dis-ease etc.) of your body’s struggles to balance itself start to appear.