How well can your body cope with Coronavirus?

Coronavirus is a severe threat to our health and wellbeing, which may even lead to death. Why some people deal with Coronavirus better than others?

Coronavirus is a severe threat to our health and wellbeing, which may even lead to death. Why some people deal with Coronavirus better than others?

It all depends on how much resources your body has to deal with “threat”. So, what uses up the resources that are so vital to combat Coronavirus?

Unhealthy eating and too much protein in our diet Any other poison to put in your body, e.g. alcohol consumption, drugs, nicotine Stress (how you think and feel) by releases toxic hormones such as cortisol in your body Viruses and bacteria

We don’t often think about our bodies as something that needs resources to function because our bodies take care of our health automatically until the systems get exhausted. If there are no available resources to neutralise the “threat”, you cannot heal. In the same ways as a car with contaminated fuel will not go very far.

How do you know if you have enough resources to fight viruses and bacteria?

The pH test can tell you how acidic your body is. If your body is acidic (toxic), this means that your system is already exhausted. Your body now will be borrowing the resources from your organs and systems (such as immune system) to neutralise the toxicity.

What can I do to build the resources?

First, if you would like to find out how many recourses your body has to deal with the “threat”, do the pH test or come in for the Energetic Health Mini Assessment (£20) where we can discuss how to boost your system resources. To book, go to

As a short-term solution take Alkaline minerals and supplements to boost your body’s resources (can be purchased

As a long-term solution review: What you eat, What you drink, How you exercise, How you rest, What and how you breathe, What you think and feel.

People often say to me, I am too busy doing my job and looking after my family to take care of myself. That is true, we live hectic lives; however, not many people realise that you can achieve the same jobs in a day and more without having our shoulders tense, holding in the breath and holding tension in our minds. Your body will move at the same speed if not faster with your shoulders relaxed, while you are taking comfortable breaths and clear and focused mind. Stress creeps upon us, and it becomes a new norm of living until you realise that you need to relearn the basic. Sometimes we are so busy we forget to smile. Smile stimulates the production of endorphins, the antidote to toxins and smile is contagious. Let’s start a new epidemic of smiling!

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