The Cornerstones of Well-being

Ruta Gabalis Booking Confirmation

Our bodies are innate at healing; it is part of our survival mechanism. Then why are there so many ill people around? Natural Medicine has the answers, and Integrative Therapy provides the approach to healing.

For the body to function well, it needs the correct microenvironment to do so. It includes good nutrition, water, flexibility in movement, unrestricted breathing, restorative sleep and a limited amount of stress. 

Good nutrition and adequate water

So many people are concerned about their calorie intake but not the nutritional value of their food. The nutrients feed every organ and system in our bodies so they can function well. Lack of good nutrition leads to struggling, sluggishness and eventually symptoms producing bodies.

Flexibility in movement

Our bodies must move in various ways to move the energy and massage the organs. For example, I had a client who was a keen swimmer and walker but still developed back pain. After examining him, the answer became apparent; their hips were inflexible. Why does it matter? Movement in the hips and torso massages the intestines and the colon. Lack of movement in those areas means that the intestinal and colon walls became weak and started prolapsing, and toxins also started accumulating in the hip area. 

Unrestricted breathing

If you were to observe a baby, you would notice the rise and fall in the abdomen when they breathe. When we are stressed, our breathing becomes shallow and constricted, and eventually, those who live under chronic stress unlearn how to breathe correctly. So, why is deep breathing important? Our bodies need an adequate amount of oxygen to fuel our body’s systems. But not only that, when you take a deep breath, your diaphragm acts like a masseuse for the organs underneath (kidney, liver, stomach, gallbladder, pancreas). If you are not engaging your diaphragm when breathing, the vital organs start collecting toxicity and blood flow and energy become stagnant.

Restorative sleep

When we sleep, our body goes into repair and restore mode, which allows the mind and body to recharge. If you are not providing your body enough opportunity to rest and repair, it will become exhausted from working and trying to repair itself simultaneously.

Mental resiliency

Many people know what stress kills but don’t understand how it happens. Every time you think a thought, worry or feel an emotion, your body will produce a biochemical reaction. Positive thoughts would reduce hormones such as dopamine, serotonin, oxytocin and endorphins. Negative thoughts, worries and emotions would generate hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline, which are toxic to our bodies. In a healthy body, we have resources to cope and neutralise such hormones; however, if someone lives under continuous stress, those resources get depleted. Toxicity is a number one threat to our survival. Therefore, the body will start drawing nutrients from other body organs and systems to neutralise the toxicity of stress. It means that stress starts robbing your body of vital nutrients that underpins its health. 

What's next?

It is up to you ….

If you are interested to find out more about how Integrative Therapy can help mental, emotional and physical well-being, please click here 

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