Why do we fail at New Year resolutions?

Our brains are hardwired for efficiency under stress. This means that when we are trying to learn a new behaviour, we are faced with an additional challenge which produces stress.

Our brains are hardwired for efficiency under stress. This means that when we are trying to learn a new behaviour, we are faced with an additional challenge which produces stress. Our brains can cope with stress and challenges until we have a terrible day at work, lack of sleep, or an argument with a loved one which is yet another stressor that acts as a giant rock on our already challenging bush track. Suddenly it becomes no longer efficient for us to plug away through the bushes so our brain will revert back to the motorway, to the old undesired behaviour we have been trying to change, because this is the most efficient way to alleviate stress. Let’s say your New Year’s resolution was to lose weight by going on a diet, and you do really well for the first 3 days. Still, on the fourth day, you have a bad day at work, the kids are unwell, the chores a piling up and suddenly it becomes too hard, you feel too tired and in need for soothing. So when your friend offers you a biscuit, you can hear yourself saying “oh, just this once”. And this is how we fall off the wagon from time to time when we are trying to change our ways, and more often than not we end up feeling like a failure which adds yet another layer of stress and minimises the chance of success.

So, if you are trying to lose weight, reduce alcohol intake or just want to become more active and healthier, the first step is to learn how to manage day to day stress before you sign up for a gym or go on a diet. Join our Qi Gong class today, which will help you to reduce stress, gives you more energy and increase your chances of making that change.

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